Friday, July 20, 2007

Late in the Day
Oil on linen, 18" x 26"

I did this yesterday in the afternoon from memory and a sketch.
I was also thinking of George Inness who I have been looking at a lot lately.

I'm still working on it but I like the effect so far.


Chris Rywalt said...

I like this a lot better than the other landscapes you've posted. This one has a lot of character and a certain moodiness which I consider part of your style.

jeff said...

It's a studio painting, the others are done on the spot as studies, they are done fast, so there is not as much time for making changes.

I spent a whole day on this, about 8 hours.

The studies are about 2 hours max.

Chris Rywalt said...

I guess it shows. Good work!

Diana K Gibson said...

Hi Painterdog,

I like this piece! You can see the influence of George Inness. He rocks! And your painting rocks! Cheers!

k said...

The shine on the brook is striking. Another one that sort of pulls me along into it.

TSL said...

really nice