Friday, March 07, 2008

Studio 7

"Studio 7", oil on wood, 10" X 14"

I did this painting many, many years ago at
the Art Students League in New York.

It is a painting of Studio 7 in the ASL which was a great studio to paint in.
This is where I learned how to draw and paint in Frank Mason's class, it was full of history and the smell of that room was amazing, so many years of paint and turps.

Frank Vincent DuMond, Frank Mason and David Leffel all held their classes in this great space, Frank is still teaching in this very studio at age 86.

I loved that full sized plaster cast of Donatello's David that Frank rescued from the Metropolitan Museum in New York City. They were throwing out all these amazing plaster cast! It was the first thing that greeted you when you entered the class, it had seen a lot of abuse over the years, but it was great to paint and draw.
Also in this painting are the cast of Donatello's Dante, and Michelangelo's Day.


Chris Rywalt said...

"The smell is so awesome, you can get cancer just from walking in the door!"

I'm glad to see you're still posting your paintings. Both of us seem to have fallen off the face of the Web lately.

You know, I really think -- and I mean this as a compliment -- you should submit your still lifes to Cook's Illustrated.

Unknown said...

great painting.. i specially love it's "texture" quality, amazing brushtrokes!

Emile B. Klein said...

A really great piece jeff good bruch work and texture. First time checking out your blog, really nice work. General to specific is my approach (concerning schmid block-in)

Diana K Gibson said...

Hi Jeff,

You asked what I colors I used to mix my greens for the DuMond palette and remarkably they are the same mixtures as yours with the exception to the darker greens. The dark greens are mixed with Ultramarine Blue, Cad Yellow Light and a touch of Alizarin Crimson. Thanks for visiting my blog! :) Hope you enjoyed reading it.